V Kokila is a class VIII Nanhi Kali studying in the ADW Higher Secondary School in Virugambakkam, Chennai. Her father passed away due to an illness and shortly after, her mother committed suicide. She lives with her aunt and uncle, whose only means of income is the wage he earns as a labourer, however, they take care of her and manage to send her to school.
Even though she lost her parents at such a young age, she works hard in school so as to excel in her academics. She is described as a bright and helpful child by her teachers at school and at the Academic Support Centre. In addition to academics, she also has a passion for singing. Her sincerity to her work and her keen interest in learning made her the obvious choice for group leader in her class. She helps her fellow classmates with their work and manages to maintain her score as well. Her diligence helped her to score an overall grade of A2 in her examinations.
In addition to studying, she is also an active participant in extra- curricular activities. Although she is fond of singing, she also takes part in drama and sports activities conducted in school as well as the Academic Support Centre. She hopes to continue her studies further so that she can fulfil her dream of becoming a teacher when she grows up