Ramana is a class VIII student and lives in Thiruvanamalai. Ramana lost her father, Govindharaj, in an accident. This came as a shock to the entire family; as they not only lost a loved one, but they were also left in a helpless situation since Govindharaj was the sole bread earner in the family.
Govindharaj was a doting father to Ramana. He had big dreams for her as he wanted her to become a teacher in his village one day.
The sudden death of her father affected Ramana tremendously; she stopped talking to her friends and became aloof. Her mother, left with no choice, enrolled her in a hostel and moved to Kodagu as a labourer so that she could earn some money for Ramana and her younger son.
Ramana has been enrolled in Project Nanhi Kali for more than three years now. To help her cope with her loss, the Community Associate began spending more time with Ramana and engaging her in all the activities conducted at the Nanhi Kali Academic Support Centre.
Now, almost a year after Govindharaj’s passing, Ramana has come a long way. She interacts well with her peers and attends classes regularly. Whenever she misses her mother, the Nanhi Kali team comforts her. Ramana’s mother is grateful to the team for ensuring Ramana is not alone.
Ramana keeps her father’s memory alive by committing to work hard and studying well so that she can fulfil Govindharaj’s dream of becoming a teacher in his village one day.