Mamatha overcame every obstacle of life
Mamatha lives with a family of six in a tribal village of Kottaiyur in Krishnagiri district. Her parents tend to their flock and spend their days in the forest, leaving her to care for her siblings. They did not have a proper source for a timely meal and the economic condition of the family was so poor that they could not even afford a bar of soap.
The community they live in have an apathetic approach towards education since most of them are illiterate. Mamatha did not have anyone to guide or ensure that she leads a disciplined academic life. Project Nanhi Kali stepped in to support Mamatha with academic and material support donated by Titan Company Limited, easing the financial burden from her parents. Project Nanhi Kali shaped Mamatha’s approach towards academics and taught her the need for basic hygiene and sanitation, a component missing in her environment. The Community Associates (tutors) helped her inculcate good habits through practice. They gave her bars of soap to ensure she comes to school tidy and clean. They taught her the value of eating on time and attending class regularly. Her time with Project Nanhi Kali has not only improved her academic performance and attendance but also introduced her to cleanliness, hygiene and discipline. She has significantly changed her habits and now understands the needs for hygiene and discipline.
Recently, Mamatha’s family suffered a fire accident which burnt down their entire hut. Due to their poor economic condition, they could not build a new hut for themselves. They spent their nights near a temple and in some of their neighbours’ verandah. In spite of these adversities, Mamatha still managed to attend school regularly with support and help from Project Nanhi Kali’s tutors. Her parents are grateful for all the support provided by Project Nanhi Kali whose academic support and material support has eased their financial burden considerably. She scored exceptionally well in her assessments. With a total of 96% & 52% for Language and Mathematics she has outdone herself and is now far more confident of her future and her academic performances.