Kasturi is studying in X standard in Zilla Parishad Government High School in Utkoor village, Mahabubnagar. She has joined Project Nanhi Kali in the year 2010 when she was in V standard. She’s an enthusiastic and aspiring child, who is attentive in class room and she participates in cultural activities in school and Academic Support Centre.
Her father name is Mr. Kashappa and he owns a small barber shop in Utkoor village. Her mother’s name is Ms. Venkatamma, who is a daily-wage labourer. She has two brothers, the elder one is studying Intermediate II year and younger one is studying in VIII standard in the same school as her. Kasturi’s family lives in a thatched house with only a single room. Her parents have limited income and are unable to fulfill her dreams. As she is the only daughter, she helps her mother in household tasks.
In 2014, Kasturi has participated and stood 1st in Mandal level and District level ‘Chekumuki Science Celebrations’ which was jointly conducted by Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and Jana Vignana Vedika. She felt proud that she competed with children in Private and Government schools and stood first in the competition.