Brundha is a 9 year old girl studying in the class 4 in a UP school in Ukkuruba. Her father is suffering from Tuberculosis and is bed ridden. The family lives on her mother’s meager income that she earns through daily labour. Brundha was forced to discontinue her studies as her father sent her to work as a maid and carry out domestic work at Visakhapatnam to supplement the family income. During Naandi’s field visits to the village during a local festival, the Naandi field personnel met with Brundha, who had come to visit her parents. Brundha showed great interest in continuing her studies and expressed that she was unhappy doing domestic work away from her home.
Brundha’s parents were counseled and encouraged to readmit her to school. They were initially very reluctant to do so. However, on the day of the Nanhi Kali Kit distribution, her parents were asked to attend the programme. Motivated by the programme, its benefits and positive responses from other parents of Nanhi Kalis, Brundha’s parents realized the importance of education and the benefits of the Project Nanhi Kali programme. On the very next day, they brought their child from Visakhapatnam and readmitted her in the school. Now, Brundha is studying once again and enjoying being a Nanhi Kali.