StrawberryFrog & Nanhi Kali have launched the Girl Epidemic. The Girl Epidemic is an awareness building campaign created by Sheetal Mehta the Director of Nanhi Kali, who brought in the award winning agency StrawberryFrog to develop this new global campaign for the cause of educating young girl children. “The Girl Epidemic is our most powerful campaign yet” says Mehta about The Girl Epidemic.
This year, Scott Goodson of StrawberryFrog launched his book Uprising explaining how to “turn a brand into a movement”, while the agency he founded in 1999 put his words into practice once again in this new brand movement.
To create this persuasive and affecting campaign, StrawberryFrog worked very closely with the world famous photographer and director Indrani who is known for her work with everyone from Lady Gaga to David Bowie.
“The Girl Epidemic must be seen and shared, there’s never been anything like it” says Sheetal Mehta, Director of Nanhi Kali. “The work for Nanhi Kali could convert those who think that creativity in advertising is on the wane. The sheer volume of first-rate award winning work produced is impressive. From the simple brilliance of “A Girl Story” which is the worlds first donation based online film series to another standout: The Girl Store an opportunity to bring e-commerce and creativity together in an innovative campaign and where you can buy a girl her life back before someone else takes it,” continues Metha. “The creative excellence, strategic smarts and work ethic of StrawberryFrog working on Nanhi Kali has helped spark something special for brand Nanhi Kali says Sheetal Mehta. Further, StrawberryFrog has always understood that a nonprofit has limited resources, and therefore the message being sent needs to be strong and powerful enough to start a movement. The momentum slowly built over the past four years has created a body of work that is outstanding. We are seeing Nanhi Kali at its best.”
The Girl Epidemic shows how girls in some parts of the world are treated as an infectious disease. It highlights the centuries-old absurdity that would value the life and potential of a young girl less than a boy, the result of which is the disappearance of girls, the selling of young girls as young as 8 years old into sex slavery or marriage. The extremely powerful campaign brings home the message that this is wrong, that it must stop, and that education is the cure. In fact it is the cure to solving the most important challenge we face as human beings. If you educate a girl you educate a family, and as a result you reduce overpopulation, environmental impact, hunger, disease and a host of other world problems. The Girl Epidemic shows how educating a girl can save the world.
The multiplatfom Girl Epidemic campaign features an innovative ecommerce site. The main spark to ignite the Girl Epidemic is a major film production for YouTube and the Girl Epidemic ecommerce site where you can make donations. It is a unique trailer-style film that dramatizes an already disturbing societal norm. Young girls are often sold into sex slavery, child labor, and are frequently killed at birth because they are not of the desirable sex: male.
The cure for The Girl Epidemic is Education. Donating to can help change deep-seated social norms by allowing girls to receive an education, therefore transforming young girls to become valuable members of society- making them indispensable.
“Our goal with this work is to generate more money to educate girl children. Period,” says Scott Goodson, Chairman of StrawberryFrog. “And we wanted to do this with the greatest weapon we have at our disposal: creativity and innovation.”
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