
February 28, 2023
Dream Big Success Story - Nanhikali

Dream big, my daughter

Ramana is a class VIII student and lives in Thiruvanamalai. Ramana lost her father, Govindharaj, in an accident. This came as a shock to the entire family; as […]
February 28, 2023
Ganga Jamna - A Nanhikali Story

Ganga and Jamana: A tale of perseverance

What is the use of education?’ ask the people of Ganga and Jamana’s village. The twin sisters live in a conservative village in Ratlam that denies girls basic education because they think that whether educated or not their
December 8, 2022

Nanhi Kali brings back the seventh edition of Proud Fathers For Daughters

Project Nanhi Kali returned with the seventh season of Proud Fathers For Daughters after 2 challenging years of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year the annual charity event was […]
October 29, 2022
At the heart of the project lies women empowerment.

Nanhi Kali gets featured in The Hindu

Project Nanhi Kali, an initiative of the K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, is working to ensure that underprivileged girls across the country do not drop out of schools Sugna Bhuriya was born in a migrant tribal family. With the family constantly on the move,
February 14, 2020

Nanhi Kalis play their happy tune at the Mahindra Blues Festival

The 10th anniversary of Mahindra Blues Festival had a special tune to it. Through ‘Blues in Schools’, an initiative by Oranjuice Entertainment and Project Nanhi Kali, our Nanhi […]
February 11, 2020

Some pictures are worth a thousand smiles

The sixth edition of Proud Fathers for Daughters brought together proud fathers, daughters, and even mothers to #MakeEveryDaughterSmile This year, Proud Fathers For Daughters unfolded in Mumbai on […]
July 24, 2019

Nanhi Cricketers train with Sachin Tendulkar

Each child is creation of nature, brimming with talent and potential, ready to be tapped into and honed. While some children are lucky to find the right direction […]
March 12, 2019

Rise Up with Nanhi Kali this National Girl Child Day

Project Nanhi Kali and the Mahindra Group together are celebrating this National Girl Child Day with the launch of “Rise Up – Anthem for the Girl Child” to […]
March 12, 2019

Project Nanhi Kali Launches Teen Age Girls Report

First and largest survey that highlights what it really means to be a teenage girl in India 74,000 teenage girls surveyed in over 600 districts across all 30 […]