The Nanhi kali Team was successful in curbing several child marriages in the district of Sheopur in Madhya Pradesh. Child marriage, which is one of the reasons behind Nanhi Kalis dropping out of their schools, has been a common phenomenon in the district of Sheopur. Nanhi Kali team conducted a careful survey which helped them in identifying 16 Nanhi Kalis who were about to be married off on a holy day. The team discovered the venue where the mass child marriage event was scheduled. The list was submitted to the District Programme Officer of Women and Child Development Department, who issued a letter containing the names of the Nanhi Kalis, and demanded the authorities to take appropriate steps to put a stop to such activities. The story was published in all the local newspapers who took an active interest in covering the entire process.
The Nanhi Kali team has been regularly following up through Home visits, parents’ meetings, meetings at village level, and meetings with government departments to ensure curbing the social evil that is Child Marriage.